Superior Court arbitration awards rendered by Houston Putnam Lowry

Superior Court "arbitration" awards

Connecticut has a special statutory scheme regarding “arbitrators” in jury cases where the demand is less than $50,000.00. This is not arbitration in the true sense. There is a right to a trial de novo if either party objects to the decision within twenty days.  All of these awards are a matter of public record.  Houston Putnam Lowry rendered awards in the following cases:

C. Siu v. A. Dong Oriental, CV-08-5019395-S (1/18/2010)
Walters v. Rudolf, HHD-CV-08-5020918-S (6/29/2009)
Zmijewski v. T W Construction, LLC, et al, HHD-CV-06-5001779-S (1/23/2009)
Passalacqua v. Warren, CV-04-4001756-S (9/7/2007)
Najdzion v. Demar, CV-06-5003226-S (6/15/2007)
Munoz v. Drake, CV-06-5002225-S (6/15/2007)
Cattanio v. Catricala, CV-05-4005697-S (6/22/2006)
Stephens v. Snappy Funding LP, CV-00-0599336-S (10/16/2005)
Cote v. Twin City Fire Insurance, CV-04-4003898-S (9/24/2005)
Thomas v. Mrs. Auto Wash, CV-04-5000140-S (8/12/2005)
Araujo v. Derocher, CV-04-4005611-S (7/19/2005)
Davis v. Degourville
, CV-01-0809344-S (3/25/2005)
Roldan v. Lattimore, CV-03-0830617-S (3/18/2005)
Nadeau v. Torres-Arroyo (Docket #CV-03-0522899-S) (2/5/2005)
Bacourt v. Celio (Docket #CV-03-0830118-S) (1/21/2005)
Picchioni v. Rizikow (Docket #CV-02-0820703-S) (9/23/2004)
Bermudez v. Ferguson (Docket #CV-02-0818831-S) (1/26/2004)
Torres v. Mattote
(Docket #CV-01-0807062-S) (9/26/2003) (no opinion issued)
Albrycht v. McKenna (Docket #CV-01-0806920-S) (8/29/2003)
Davis v. Henderson (Docket #CV-02-0815123-S) (5/19/2003)
Dominguez v. Kilibrew (Docket #CV-00-0599994-S) (3/3/03)
Wilson v. Chalmers
(Docket #01-0806046-S) (2/5/2003)
Kroll v. Soap Factory Condominium
(Docket #99-0591760-S) (8/9/2002) (no opinion issued)
Huggins v. Daly (Docket #CV-01-0510624-S) (6/28/02)
Bartley v. Russo (Docket #CV-01-0511294-S) (6/28/02)
Puzzo v. Failla (Docket #01-0806069-S) (4/24/2002)
D’Amato v. Piorek (Docket #CV-01-0804363-S) (3/26/2002)
Fagebemi v. Sassano (Docket #CV-00-0800967-S) (1/24/2002)
Butler v. Begin (Docket #CV-00-0499880-S) (8/23/2001)
Kisilis v. Mendelsohn (Docket #00-0597643-S) (8/14/2001)
Fabian v. Gliha (Docket #CV-98-0584334-S) (6/1/2001)
Marseli v. Zambesi
(Docket #CV-00-0503145-S) (6/1/2001)
Gonzales v. Sutton
(Docket #CV-98-0489468-S) (6/1/2001)
Cudy v. Colon (Docket #CV-99-0497990-S) (6/1/2001)
(Docket #CV-99-0589528-S) (3/22/2001)
Garcia v. Garcia
(Docket #CV-98-0580637-S) (6/2/2000)
Graham v. Hartford Florist Supply (Docket #CV-98-0581132-S) (5/12/2000)
Diaz v. DeJesus (Docket #CV-98-0580781-S) (3/29/2000) Jackson v. Smith (Docket #CV-97-0573622-S) (12/10/1999)
(Docket #CV-97-0572494-S) (5/19/1999)
Acevedo v. Jablonecki (Docket #CV-97-0569152-S) (4/9/1999)
Chapman v. Houle (Docket #CV-95-0547286-S) (4/9/1999)
Stephens v. Connecticut Institute for the Blind (Docket #CV-96-0557682-S) (4/9/1999)
Sas v. Bernard (Docket #CV-96-0480369-S) (2/26/1999)

For a limited period of time, these cases can be found on the Connecticut Superior Court web site.