Attorney Dale Clayton
Dale Clayton received his Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration from American International College in 1984. After operating a profitable family owned construction company, Mr. Clayton enrolled in the University of the Pacific McGeorge School of Law; at this same time he served on the Governing Board of the Community Legal Services program. Mr. Clayton was admitted to both the Connecticut Bar and the United States District Court in Connecticut in 1994.
Mr. Clayton has been associated with the law firm of Polivy & Taschner, LLC since 1995. He concentrates his practice in the areas of commercial and residential real estate finance, secured business finance, business organization and representation, commercial litigation, bankruptcy, foreclosure and collections.
In addition to the practice of law, Mr. Clayton has been an active member in his community. He is a past member of the Tolland Lions Club and the Tolland Economic Development Commission. Additionally, Mr. Clayton is a former Vice Chairman of the Tolland Town Council and served four terms as a Town Council member.
contact: dale@plclawoffice.com
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